The rich nutritional content of dates makes them beneficial for your health in several ways.
Here are only a few reasons why you should include dates in your diet especially in this scorching weather...
Energy booster
During summer we tend to perspire a lot and hence feel dehydrated and lethargic. Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. Did you know that dates can significantly boost energy levels in people within half an hour of consuming them? Well, that’s true. So, the next time you are feeling low on energy, grab some dates and start munching on this great snack.
Say goodbye to allergies
Usually summer is the time when we develop different kinds of allergies. Dates contain organic sulphur in them that helps in reducing allergic reactions and seasonal allergies. Consuming 2 to 3 dates daily can keep those seasonal allergies away.
Rich in proteins
Dates are a great source of proteins that help us stay fit, and even keep our muscles strong. Many weight conscious people get more active during summer and workout regularly to lose weight. Regular gym goers are advised to eat a couple of dates every day as part of their daily routine.
Loaded with vitamins
Dates contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as vitamins A1 and C. If you have a few dates every day, you won’t have to take vitamin supplements. Not only will it keep you healthy, there will be a noticeable change in your energy levels as well.
For a beautiful skin
With the onset of summer many people complain of acne, uneven skin and other skin problems. Vitamins C and D found in dates keep your skin smooth and also help in retaining your skin’s elasticity. Plus dates also come with anti-ageing benefits, and prevent the accumulation of melanin in your body.
Hair loss no more
In summer women suffer from hair loss mainly because our scalp produces sebum in excess. Dates are excellent for your hair. Consuming two to three dates every day will strengthen your hair follicles and make your hair strands stronger and healthier. Vitamin B in dates is beneficial for your hair and deficiency of this vitamin can lead to weak and brittle hair. Anaemia is also one of the causes of hair loss, especially among women. Dates contain iron, which can effectively cure anaemia. Therefore, eating dates is a natural way of treating hair loss problems.
In case of excessive hair fall, try eating dry dates. They can nourish your hair roots, thus making your hair stronger.
Heart healthy fruit
Studies show that dates improve triglyceride profiles and lower oxidative stress levels by reducing blood triglycerides. This improves the quality of blood cholesterol by reducing its oxidation. Also researches show that dates attach themselves to harmful, oxygen-free radicals and remove them from the body, which results in lowering the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Cures anaemia
Anaemia is characterized by unusually low quantity of red blood cells in the human body and is caused by the deficiency of iron. Dates contain an impressive level of iron which makes them the perfect home remedy for treating iron deficiency. Consumption of dates on a regular basis can greatly boost the amount of iron in the blood. The high level of iron not only balances out the inherent lack of iron in anaemic patients but also increases strength and vitality.
Treatment of diarrhoea
Diarrhoea is caused due to several factors, which may or may not be contagious. Ripe dates are effective in treating diarrhoea as they contain potassium. They are also easily digestible which helps in alleviating chronic diarrhoea.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Dates are rich in magnesium - a mineral known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Consuming dates aids in reducing inflammation in the arterial walls and can effectively reduce the risk of arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other inflammation-related ailments.
Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
Dates are full of minerals like magnesium and potassium that aid in lowering blood pressure. Also, dates are free from cholesterol and contain very little fat. Including them in smaller quantities in your daily diet can help you keep a check on cholesterol level.
Improves bone health
Packed with significant amounts of minerals, dates are useful in strengthening bones and keeping osteoporosis at bay. Minerals such as selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium found in dates greatly contribute to healthy bone development and strength, particularly with the progression of age when bones gradually weaken.
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